
021: Afif Ghannoum: How to Create and Launch Physical Products in Any Market

My guest today is Afif Ghannoum, the founder of NapkinToShelf.com. He is a formerly frustrated lawyer that has launched over ten products that have sold in 27,081 stores that include retailers like Walmart, Target & CVS. Afif also has two patents, licensed technology to a large pharma company for a product sold in tens of thousands…

Podcast 020

020: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! Is A Big Market Crash Coming?

Is a big market crash coming? Many billionaires, global financial institutions and banking institutions are issuing warnings for those that are willing to listen. George Soros, Jim Rogers, Carl Ichan, Stanley Drunkenmeiler, Peter Thiel, Sam Zell, Warren Buffet, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Citi Bank, The Bank OF International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund…


019: Gerald Celente: How to Identify, Track and Forecast Trends

Gerald Celente, who developed the Globalnomic® methodology to identify, track, forecast and manage trends, is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “think for yourself,” observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are — not for the way he wants them…

Podcast 018

018: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! What’s Your “Why”?

A foundational building block to optimal health, fulfilling relationships and building generational wealth is your mindset and the way that you think and see the world. At the core of your mindset is you “why”. In today’s episode I will discuss why a strong “why” is so important to pursuing your goals. A strong enough “why” will give…

Podcast 016

016: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! Mark Ford’s 8 Rules For Financial Independence

In today’s episode, I will discuss and share a piece that Mark Ford wrote that I found very insightful and valuable. I have found Mark Ford’s advice and insights on personal finance, business, real estate, investing and building wealth in general extremely interesting. I subscribe to his  Palm Beach Letter, a monthly financial newsletter publication that…


015: Amber Vilhauer: Establish a Powerful Online Presence to Make a Difference in Your Industry

Amber Vilhauer is an online business development expert who supports authors, speakers and coaches to establish a powerful, integrated online presence that gets results and empowers them to make a difference in their industry. Since starting her multi-six-figure company NGNG Enterprises (standing for No Guts No Glory) in 2007, she has spent her career impacting her community and building…

Podcast 014

014: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! Understanding Parkinson’s Law

In today’s episode, I discuss Parkinson’s Law. Norcote Parkinson wrote a book called Parkinson’s Law where he isolates some limitations of us all and particularly focuses in on the behavior of individuals within a group. In Parkinson’s Law he writes, “Work expands to meet the time envelope allowed.” Meaning if we have 5 days to complete…


013: J. Massey: Cashflow Diary, Creating Cashflow and Building Wealth in Any Economy

J. Massey wasn’t always the Real Estate Investor he is today. The road to success was paved with challenges that J. had to overcome. He literally went from having zero, squatting in bank-owned property to owning more than 300 units of property across several states. Today, J. is an investor, published author, speaker, educator, podcast…


012: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday! 5 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Anything

In today’s episode, I try to answer a listener’s question of what factors to consider before we invest in something. If we take control back of our own money and take personal responsibility and accountability for our own wealth, what factors should we consider before investing in anything? This is extremely important. The first thing…
