How to Set up Your own banking System to Grow Wealth Outside Of Wall Street



“M.C. Laubscher is a distinguished authority in the realm of personal finance, particularly with the Infinite Banking Concept. His profound understanding and practical application of becoming your own banker are truly transformative. M.C. embodies the principles he advocates, offering a blend of profound wisdom, real-world experience, and unwavering commitment. He excels not only in establishing robust personal banking systems but also in his role as a mentor, guiding and inspiring individuals to take control of their financial future. His dedication to education and his willingness to share his journey make him a genuine beacon for anyone aspiring to master their financial destiny.”

Dave Wolcott, Pantheon Investments

“We vividly remember the first time we met M.C. Laubscher. We heard him on a popular podcast, and we were instantly captivated by his unique approach to capital and business.

M.C. explained that growing your financial capital isn't just about focusing on the money. It's about nurturing your human and relationship capital first. The more you develop these areas, the more your financial capital will grow. It was an eye-opener, and it's been the driving force behind our work for the past five years.

M.C. has helped us manage our cash flow better, become more cash flow efficient, and hel us to create our own banking system through the Infinite Banking Concept. These strategies have been a game-changer for us and our family, and continue to be a game changer on our wealth building journey.”

Josh & Melanie McCallen, Accountable Equity

“A few years ago, I attended the Mid-Atlantic Conference and heard M.C. speak about collateralization. His innovative approach resonated deeply, as my own strategy lacked a cohesive plan. M.C.'s ability to translate complex topics like family offices and generational wealth planning – strategies typically reserved for the ultra-wealthy – into actionable steps for someone like me was truly eye-opening. By implementing the action steps outlined in his Aligned Capital Strategy, I've not only discovered powerful financial tools, but also gained the confidence to use them and significantly improve my financial future.”

Denis Shapiro, SIH Capital Group

“Having worked closely with MC Laubscher, I can confidently affirm his position as one of the foremost authorities on implementing the Infinite Banking Concept strategy for business owners and investors. Hailing from South Africa, MC brings a unique perspective shaped by witnessing economic downturns and the unpreparedness of many in the face of such crises.

MC's guidance goes beyond mere establishment; he mentors individuals, helping them become their own bank and navigate the financial landscape with confidence. What truly sets MC apart is his commitment to practicing what he preaches. Drawing from his own experiences, he generously shares insights into his personal banking system, continually educating others and imparting valuable lessons learned from his journey.

If you're seeking to take control of your financial future in the wake of uncertain economic times, MC Laubscher's expertise is unparalleled. His mentorship will not only empower you to implement the Infinite Banking Concept but also equip you with the knowledge and resilience needed to thrive in any economic environment.”

Kent Kiess, KC Investments

“I’ve followed MC for many years and have implemented some of the infinite banking cashflow strategies he covers. MC is a thought leader in the cashflow investing space and has interviewed the very best out there. Thank you MC for pulling together your incredible insights together!”

Michael Hakoun, investor

“MC Laubscher has been a tremendous resource for my business. He's offered tremendous educational content and has helped me set up my financial fortress for the long term. I now have 2 policies with MC and as more business growth and income is produced, we will continue to open policies for my families future.”

Cassidy Burns, BPG Holdings

"MC Laubscher is a leading authority in the Infinite Banking Concept, offering unparalleled mentorship to business owners and investors. He excels not only in teaching the principles of managing one’s own banking system but also in applying these strategies in his own life, providing real-world insights. MC’s continuous support and sharing of his personal financial journey make him a valuable guide towards achieving financial independence."

Saket Jain, Impact Wealth Builders & Migrate 2 Wealth

“I was introduced to the Infinite Banking Concept during a Real Estate conference where M.C. was a featured speaker. Since that day, "IBC" has become the foundation of our family's journey towards achieving Wealth, Freedom, and a lasting Legacy. M.C. has been with us at each phase and each accomplished milestone providing us with invaluable guidance as our trusted advisor. Get Wealthy For Sure™ is an investment in yourself, your family, and your future legacy.”

Karl Schnitzer, entrepreneur and investor

“The Infinite Banking Concept can be a daunting concept to the newcomer as it is not taught in conventional circles. However, conventional thinking doesn't build real wealth or lead you down the path to financial independence.

MCs real gift is not just his mastery of the concept or ability to create these uniquely structured policies where he excels is in breaking this concept down to easily understandable concepts that both the layman and expert can understand.

Likewise, MC has endless real world examples of how individuals are utilizing infinite banking to both protect and grow their hard earned dollars.

MCs passion for helping people achieve financial freedom shines brightly in all of his teachings, writings and podcasts.”

Dan Nicastro, real estate investor

“M.C. Laubscher is a passionate, focused, and driven person. Not only does he have abundant experience in IBC, he also understands clients' needs and expectations, giving genuine advice and planning. His extensive knowledge and broad network further enable him to provide useful and down-to-earth strategies. He is absolutely the one to go for building personal wealth.”

Jenny Yeh, investor

“MC and his work with Producers Wealth has been a game changer for me and my family. MC is a leader in the teachings of Infinite Banking and how to use Whole Life Insurance to take back the banking function in your life and control your legacy and wealth transfer. Before I started to listen to MC I had no idea about the concept of Infinite Banking but once I gathered the courage to reach out, MC introduced me to a new way of thinking when it comes to financing investments and business ventures. In just a few short years I have been able to not only grow significant cash value in a whole life policy, but I have been able to expand my real estate portfolio beyond residential, in to commercial, as well as provide financing for my own business expansion. The growth has been exponential. Plus I am building wealth to transfer to my children and grandchildren but perhaps more importantly, I have been able to build a system that I am teaching to them that will leave a legacy for many generations to come.”

Todd Concienne, investor

“MC practices what he preaches. After looking at several different insurance policies at many different companies, MC immediately stood out as and independent agent and offered up several options that were far superior to what I had previously seen. I would highly reccommend MC to anyone looking to implement IBC, especially real estate investors looking to stay away from volatile securities.”

Al Meger, real estate broker and investor

“Working with M.C. Laubscher on navigating the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) has been a game-changer in my investment journey. What sets M.C. apart isn't just his mastery of IBC, but his knack for making complex strategies accessible for someone like me, who's always on the go and doesn't have the luxury of diving deep into financial minutiae. He's been more than an advisor; he's been a mentor who's patiently guided me through setting up and optimizing my policy, ensuring I'm not just following steps but truly understanding each move. His practical advice, drawn from real-life use of his own system, has demystified the banking concept, allowing me to secure and grow my investments, even in unpredictable markets. It's rare to find someone who not only 'talks the talk' but also 'walks the walk' with such integrity and passion. M.C. has genuinely enhanced my financial well-being and confidence, making a tangible difference in how I view and manage my financial future.”

Rayn Murrray, investor

“If you are looking to create generation wealth and a family legacy then MC Laubscher is the guy to want to listen too. My family and I have had the honor and privilege to work with MC for many years now. His information on IBC ( Infinite Banking System) has guided us in every financial decision we have made from purchasing investment properties, starting businesses and accredited investments.
We have several IBC accounts with MC and will get several more in the future. Thank you MC for your guidance and mentorship can’t wait to have our children read the book so they can pass on generational wealth. “

Sean Kiess, investor