Cashflow Ninja

044: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: A New World Reserve Currency

By Cashflow Ninja / September 7, 2016 /

In Episode 036 , we discussed how the monetary system changes every 30-40 years and looked at possible contenders that could unseat the US Dollar as the new world reserve currency. Special Drawing Rights (SDR’s) issued by the International Monetary Fund is the strongest contender alongside the Chinese Yuan to unseat the US Dollar as the…

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043: Donata Kalnenaite: Legal Essentials For Your Startup and Online Business

By Cashflow Ninja / September 5, 2016 /

My guest today is Donata Kalnenaite is the owner of Agency Attorneys. She is a graduate of The John Marshall Law School and while in law school, she was a member at the Business Enterprise Law Clinic (BELAW), which helps disadvantaged and minority entrepreneurs establish and grow their businesses. While at BELAW, Donata learned that…

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042: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: Financial Security, Independence, Freedom, and Significance

By Cashflow Ninja / August 31, 2016 /

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”] In this episode,  I talk about the meaning of financial security, financial independence, financial freedom and financial significance. Some of these terms are overused and great cocktail party material, but what do they mean, and what do they mean to you? I discuss all of these terms and concepts and…

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041: Jeanne Kelly: How To Build and Rebuild Personal and Business Credit

By Cashflow Ninja / August 29, 2016 /

My guest today is Jeanne Kelly, an author, speaker and a widely sought-after credit coach. Fifteen years ago, Jeanne was turned down for a mortgage and she realized that she needed to understand why and fix the problem. Today, Jeanne has become one of the country’s foremost authorities on credit, credit reports, and credit scores.…

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040: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: Price, Cost and Value

By Cashflow Ninja / August 24, 2016 /

[podcast src=”” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”custom”] In this episode,  we are discussing  the concepts and meaning of the terms “price”, “cost” and “value”. There is a very big difference between the price of any product and or service, the real cost of the product and service and the value that this product and or service…

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039: Roger Ver: Bitcoin Revolution: Revolutionizing How We Trade Goods and Services with Digital Gold

By Cashflow Ninja / August 22, 2016 /

I am honored to have one of the top Bitcoin experts in the world on the show, Roger Ver. Roger Ver has been a long time proponent of voluntaryism, the idea that all human interactions should be by mutual consent, or not at all. He doesn’t make exceptions for people wearing uniforms and working in…

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038: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: How To Pay For Your Children’s Education Without Sacrificing Your Savings

By Cashflow Ninja / August 17, 2016 /

In this episode, we are looking at how to fund  your children’s and or grandchildren’s college tuition, while maximizing your economic opportunity. There is a strategy that not many people are aware of  when saving and paying for college, and it is actually criminal that people are still forced into cookie cutter Wall Street vehicles…

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036: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: Is The World’s Money System Changing?

By Cashflow Ninja / August 10, 2016 /

The world’s monetary system changes historically every 30 – 40 years. We have seen three changes just in the last century in 1914, 1944 and 1971. We are due to a change in the monetary world order, but what would replace the dollar standard and the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency? I approach…

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035: Gene Guarino: How To Create Income Streams From Residential Assisted Living Housing

By Cashflow Ninja / August 8, 2016 /

Gene Guarino is President of Residential Assisted Living Academy in Phoenix, AZ and has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing…..investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. Having trained tens of thousands of investor/entrepreneurs over the past 25 years, he now specializes in…

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034: M.C.Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: Why There Is No Security In Social Security

By Cashflow Ninja / August 3, 2016 /

In this episode, we look at Social Security and other social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. This episode is designed to be a wake-up call for anyone that is depending on Social Security and other social programs. I am ringing the alarm for anyone willing to listen! Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and other social…

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