813: Dave Stech: How To Accelerate Your Wealth Building RIGHT NOW

Dave Stech Shares How To Accelerate Your Wealth Building RIGHT NOW

My guest in this episode is Dave Stech. Dave heads up Stech Family Office with his two sons. Their family firm, Purpose Built Investments™ (PBI), is a real estate market timing company that invests exclusively in 3 things: real estate, private lending, and early-stage technology companies, including in their self-directed IRAs.

Dave graduated from the London School of Economics and speaks at Harvard University and other conferences where he shares his annual State of the Union for Real Estate Investors and Private Lenders: What’s Coming Next? In 2005, Dave spoke at Harvard and predicted the housing market collapse, then sat on the sideline until 2009 when he re-entered and enjoyed the record-breaking run we’ve been on until 2020. In 2019, Dave predicted a recession in 2020.

In this episode, Dave shares how serious investors can take massive steps to build their wealth RIGHT NOW.


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