396: Ryan Smith: Recessio​​​n Proof Investment Cash Flow Diversification


My guest in this episode is Ryan Smith. Ryan brings with him more than fifteen years of extensive business experience in market evaluation, property analysis, management systems, due diligence, finance, and more.

Ryan, and his affiliates, co-manage multiple investment funds, which specialize in investing in MHCs, and participates in the ownership and/or management of over 20,000 MHC lots.

Ryan graduated from the University of Tampa with a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science. An athlete, he was highly recruited for both baseball and basketball and was drafted as a senior in high school by the Baltimore Orioles, and again in college by the Anaheim Angels. Ryan pursued his athletic talents by playing baseball throughout his college experience.

His foresight and ability to communicate the state of the marketplace has propelled him to be a featured commentator along side the likes of Mayor Rudy Giuliani, General Colin Powell and other notable individuals.  He current is on the board of Young Life College – UCF and is a member of the Advisory Board for the National Christian Foundation’s Orlando chapter.  

Ryan lives in Orlando with his wife and two children.


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