091: M.C. Laubscher: Wisdom Wednesday: Planning For 2017


In today’s episode, I discuss and share how I planned for 2017. The planning process included using a framework of health, relationships, business/career, wealth, and giving. I started the planning for 2017 by debriefing and reviewing 2016, what happened?, What were some of the wins and positives? What were some of the failures and negatives? I then make a list of things I am grateful for and also a corrective action list to proactively tackle some of the mistakes.

After reflecting and debriefing the planning process start. I use the same framework of health, relationships, business/career, wealth and giving. I set goals in all of these areas and then break it down to manageable chunks. The big goals are broken down into quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and daily goals. I discuss the lesson I learned from Gary Keller’s book, The One Thing, to identify the one thing I need to accomplish every day to achieve my weekly goals, and the one weekly thing I need to do to achieve my monthly goals, and the one thing I need to focus on monthly to achieve my quarterly goals, and the one thing I need to focus on quarterly to achieve my yearly goals.

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  1. Shaun on January 5, 2017 at 10:47 am

    Really enjoyed this episode. I just came across your podcast a few days ago after seeing that you were interviewing Gerald Celente. Been going through the archives and listening to quite a few and have found them interesting and full of good information. Thanks again and all the best in ’17!

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