
The New Way to Measure Wealth

By Cashflow Ninja / December 23, 2020 /

Wealth is something we pursue and aspire to because wealth allows us, in the end, freedom. It’s not the dollar signs you should be chasing, because that goal only leaves you feelings of emptiness. Wealth, rather than an accumulation of money, allows you to enjoy certain freedoms without fear of lack or loss. That is…

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10 Steps to Success in Scary Times

By Cashflow Ninja / July 15, 2020 /

On a national and global scale, these are scary times—and it might get even scarier down the line. It’s times like these that thought leaders, like Simon Sinek, can help remind us how to move past the fear. I bring up Sinek because recently he went against the typical narrative and stated that we are…

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There’s Only One Pool of Money

By Cashflow Ninja / June 3, 2020 /

One of my favorite lessons from my late mentor, Mr. R. Nelson Nash, is the concept that there is truly only one gigantic pool of money out in the world. It’s not the obvious analogy because there are millionaires and billionaires who have giant pools of money.  Yet when you dig a little deeper, the…

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4 Ways NOT to Use the Infinite Banking Strategy

By Cashflow Ninja / April 30, 2020 /

Infinite Banking strategy can be one of the most powerful strategies for cash flow — but it can also be a nightmare if not done properly. Today, instead of focusing on what you should do, we’ll discuss things you should avoid when structuring your own Infinite Banking process. Because once you know what NOT to do, you…

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9 Similarities Between Life Insurance & Real Estate

By Cashflow Ninja / April 30, 2020 /

At first glance, you wouldn’t think that life insurance and real estate are similar, but in fact they’re more alike than you’d expect. Both are part of my overall wealth strategy, in large part because of how well they work together. In this article, I’ll explore how they work well together, and why they’re more…

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The Power of Infinite Banking

By Cashflow Ninja / April 29, 2020 /

Out of everything I share at the Cashflow Ninja, Infinite Banking is my favorite. It’s a foundational piece of my overall strategy, and it makes everything else I do that much stronger. The certainty and clarity it provides are unmatched, and over the past ten years this has been my biggest game-changer. I love to…

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The 4 Biggest Wealth Destroyers

By Cashflow Ninja / November 15, 2019 /

When you’re building your wealth, it’s easy to look at only one side of the coin. You want to grow, grow, grow, but you might not be considering all of the things that eat away at that growth. In order to build and protect your wealth, you must know the associated risks. Only then can…

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5 Reasons People Struggle With Money

By Cashflow Ninja / October 8, 2019 /

We all deal with money every day, so why is it that so many people still struggle with money? Make no mistake — there’s a lot of data, information and knowledge out there. But what if you have the wrong information, data and knowledge? Wouldn’t you want to know better, and then do better? So much of…

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An Important Lesson From A Famous Bank Robber

By Cashflow Ninja / October 2, 2016 /

Willie Sutton was one of the most notorious bank robbers in the history of the United States. That was of course at a time when the banks were robbed from the outside; not as we have seen in the last hundred years and more recently, bankers robbing the banks from inside their own banking institutions.…

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A Ponzi Tale: Why There is No Security in Social Security

By Cashflow Ninja / October 2, 2016 /

Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted the Social Security Act in 1935 which established Social Security. Social Security is funded through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self-Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). On January 31st, 1940, the first social security check was issued to Ms. Ida May Fuller, a former legal secretary. She…

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