Cashflow Ninja
My guest in this episode is Gino Barbaro. Gino is an investor, business owner and entrepreneur. He has been investing in real estate for 15 years and has grown his multi-family portfolio to 674 units in 3 years. He has teamed up with Jake Stenziano to create Jake & Gino, a real estate education company that…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Sterling White. Sterling started in the real estate industry at an early age back in 2009 doing construction on commercial projects. He purchased his first single family home property at the age of 23 with no money in the deal. Before founding Holdfolio Sterling and business partner Jacob was…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Matt Clark. Matt is a serial entrepreneur turned investor and is driven by the idea that you don’t have to put your family or your future in jeopardy to start and run a successful business. A graduate of the #1-ranked undergraduate entrepreneurship program in the United States, the Wolff…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Ryan Hawk. Ryan is the creator and host of The Learning Leader Show, a top-rated iTunes business podcast that focuses on learning from the smartest, most creative leaders in the world (including such luminaries as Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, Kat Cole and Adam Grant). Hawk’s podcast has exploded on…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Blair Singer. Blair has empowered people to achieve peak performance in business, sales, money, teams, and relationships for more than two decades. As the founder and CEO of SalesPartners Worldwide, a progressive sales and personal growth training company, Blair travels the world teaching individuals and business leaders how to…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Barry James Dyke. Barry James Dyke is a best-selling author, advisor and speaker committed to telling the truth out about how Wall Street really works. An iconoclast, Barry believes that today’s financial service and retirement planning systems continue to serve Wall Street, the government, the media, Ivy League academia and giant…
Read MoreMy guests in this episode is Terry Kerr and Elizabeth Nowlin from Mid South Home Buyers in Memphis. In this episode Terry and Liz discuss the 19 Fatal RE Turnkey Investor Mistakes & the Due Diligence Questions to Avoid Them. Terry is a full-time real estate investor and the president and founder of Mid South Home Buyers. He…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Kevin Day. Kevin is the Founder of Day & Associates Incorporated and one of the leading estate planning and international asset protection planning attorneys in the United States. Kevin has authored numerous books on the subjects of lawsuit protection, offshore money strategies, asset protection, tax havens and privacy planning. …
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Ted Thomas. Ted is America´s tax lien certificate investing and tax deed authority and an international speaker who has dedicated himself to finding and teaching the best investment strategies that can create wealth with minimum risk and easy to learn, that can help everyone including senior citizens and young…
Read MoreMy guest in this episode is Tone Vays. Tone has worked on Wall Street for almost 10 years starting as a Risk Analyst at Bear Stearns and later becoming a VP at JP Morgan Chase in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. His expertise is in Economic Trends, Trading and Risk Analysis. Ever since…
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