online business strategies

228: Mike Zeller: How To Harness The Power of Masterminds

By Cashflow Ninja / November 20, 2017 /

My guest in this episode is Mike Zeller. As a highly successful entrepreneur, Mike Zeller lives by one powerful principle — Don’t go it alone. He has helped launch and develop nine businesses in five different industries over the past ten years, bringing in over $100 million in combined revenue. His secret weapon? Mastermind groups.…

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Russell Brunson

200: Russell Brunson: 3 Things You Need To Start A Mass Movement

By Cashflow Ninja / September 15, 2017 /

My guest in this episode is Russell Brunson. Russell started his first online company while he was wrestling in college. Within a year of graduation, he had sold over a million dollars of his own products and services from his basement. Over that past 10 years, he has built a following of over a million…

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